Positive affirmations are so extremely potent in living out your life in a joyful way. Our ego mind is always collecting information from the world around us. Therefore, it makes sense that if we feed our minds positive thoughts, we will feel and act happier, as opposed to injected negative ones. The mind then gets addicted to the more dominant feelings and turns it into stories and programs your whole mindset. But fear not, if you are housing more feelings of sadness and anger, you can change and reprogram your mind, so can start to feel happier. And you can do it as simply as reciting positive affirmations into your daily life.
Your ego mind will turn your thoughts into facts and this determines how you feel. This is why we all have different values and opinions in life because we are all living out our own truths, that we are filtering within our own energy centres and minds. We have a current of energy, like a bunch of invisible strings that is attached to us and then each one is connected to the people around us. The current has a 2 way flow consisting of a reception current and an expression current. You are collecting energy from the people around you, which is the reception current; running from people to you. You take it into your energy centres, commonly known as the chakras, and here you filter them. In turn, you express energy back out into the world and the people around you, which is called the expression current. Sometimes these currents can become blocked and we cannot receive or express ourselves within this world in a healthy manner. This energy current can also become overcharged, meaning we are taking too much of the energy, or we can become undercharged, which is when the energy inside us is being depleted. Learning about the chakras is a beautiful way to become and feel balanced within life, which I’ll write in further in another blog post. But for now I just wanted you to know more about the chakras and the effects of positive and negative energy surrounding you. If we are consistently surrounding ourselves with negative energy then ultimately it is going to take the wheel and drive your mindset in a negative way. This is not how we want to live. I’m positive we would all love to live a more happier life.
Let’s begin reprogramming that mind and fill it with positive affirmations. . It is proven that if you inform your brain with these affirmations then your brain believes it and will program your whole energy and your surrounding environment. Your mind will believe it and project it. This stuff is so incredibly POWERFUL! We will run through a list of positive affirmations per chakra so you can begin to live out a more balanced life.
Root Chakra (Muladara - located base of spine)
I love being in my body. I am centred and grounded. I am at peace with the material world in which I live. I am able to let go of fear and know I eternally safe. I am deeply connected to the earth and I am grateful for all that I have, all that I need and I am worthy of all things wonderful.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhistana - below navel)
I am alive and, connected and aware. I embrace pleasure and abundance. I give myself permission to enjoy my sexuality fully. The sweetness of life flows through me and I radiate joy. Without fear, I feel all of the emotions that arise in me. My body is sacred. I am a creative and radiant soul. I am passionate about my amazing life. I feel energised everyday because I am in perfect health. I am unique and joyful.
Solar Plexus (Manipura - Above navel)
I am confident in all that I do and I stand up for myself. I respect myself at all times. I choose health, healing and happiness. I act with courage and strength. I deserve a wonderful life. I am at peace with myself and the world around me. I live a life that is rich with inspiration. I am STRONG and POWERFUL.
Heart Chakra (Anahata - Chest)
I am kind to myself. I allow love to fill me up and guide me in all my actions. I am able to let go of the past, and to forgive myself and others. I LOVE MYSELF and OTHERS FEARLESSLY. My heart is centred and open. I watch the love I give away expand and multiply. I am compassionate. I spread love. I live my hearts song. I am eternally loved.
Throat Chakra (Visuddha - Throat area)
I speak up for myself. I express myself with clarity and confidence. When I speak I don not back away from what is true. I express gratitude towards life. I speak love. I am expressive. I am gentle with my words. I listen to others. I am AUTHENTIC!
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna - between eyebrows)
I am connected to divine source fo the universe. I always honour and follow my intuition. I invite sacred transformation. It is safe for me to see the truth. My spiritual vision is clear. I see divine light in everybody. I look at lower energy situations from my higher self before I choose to respond. I am spiritually awake.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara - Top of head)
I go beyond my limiting beliefs and accept myself totally. I honour my body as the temple that nourishes my soul. I am infinite and boundless. I am a being of light and I a divinely guided and inspired. I am one with the universe. I live my life through my higher self. I am enlightened.
You can incorporate these positive affirmations anytime of the day. You could focus on one chakra or you could do them all. You could even close your eyes and feel any sensation in your body and then recite the positive affirmation for the day; your body already holds all the answers, it will tell you which one needs a balance. Do these daily and notice the shifts after one week. Your brain can start to change within minutes!!!!
Here is a list of different ways you could use them:
Write it on your mirror and look at it daily
Write them down in your journal
Record them on your phone recorder and listen to the back in the car or when you need
Print them off and place around the house
Close your eyes and touch the chakra area and recite
Read them all together before you go to bed
Write them on your shower screen with the fog
Go to the beach and write it with your toes in the sand
Have a bath and write them in the water
Get them printed on a shirt and spread the love
Go for a walk and say each word with every step
Go outside and allow say them in the wind and feel it swirl around you (or in front of a fan)
Whisper them to your children when they are asleep
Light an incense stick or fire stick and write it in the air
Sit down and tune into your breath, think of each sentence and repeat
Sit in happy pose (sukhasana) and repeat all chakra affirmations
Repeat in your mind as you do your household chores
Make a song and sing it out loud
Perform it in the shower
Look in the mirror and see yourself saying it - BELIEVE IT!
There is no right or wrong way to use these positive affirmations. You can do whatever you like. You will pick a delightful way that feels right for you. Enjoy and happy reprogramming.
Much love and namaste,