Positive affirmations with the Chakras

Positive affirmations with the Chakras

Positive affirmations are so extremely potent in living out your life in a joyful way.  Our ego mind is always collecting information from the world around us.  Therefore, it makes sense that if we feed our minds positive thoughts, we will feel and act happier, as opposed to injected negative ones.  The mind then gets addicted to the more dominant feelings and turns it into stories and programs your whole mindset.  But fear not, if you are housing more feelings of sadness and anger, you can change and reprogram your mind, so can start to feel happier.  And you can do it as simply as reciting positive affirmations into your daily life.  

How to love your body

How to love your body

Ever had one of those mornings when you’re looking for something to wear and nothing looks good on you?  Then you look to the mirror and you begin to rip up a list of all the things that you hate about your body.  Or you’ve spent months of dieting and cardio workouts and you haven’t had a chocolate for ever, but you still can’t bring yourself to wear those short shorts, you’ve always wanted to show off, because you’re just not there yet.  Well you are definitely not alone.  I know this all too well and this is the mindset I played out for decades until a series of events unfolded, and for the first time ever, I fell in love with my body.  I now look in the mirror and I love what I see whether I’ve put a few kilos on or shed some.  I have truly found the key to loving my body and I want to share this wonderful medicine with you, in hope that you can feel the same way.  So read on to see what unfolded for me