
Welcome beautiful yogini Woman,

I’m so glad you have landed on this page.

I know that sometimes life can get stressful, overwhelming and exhausting but I want you to know that your inner bliss is always inside of you

If you’re ready to:

  • Have a whole day ALL TO YOURSELF

  • Or a whole morning TO RELAX INTO

  • Unwind and Relax

  • Connect in with nature

  • Give yourself space to connect into your divine calm

  • Have some “me time”

  • Do something special for yourself

  • Let go of all your worries for the day

  • Calm your nervous system

  • Tap into your feminine power

  • To have a whole day of scrumptious yummy healthy food catered for you

  • A day of no chores

  • To lay down and sleep if you want

  • Learn something new in a mini workshop

  • Melt into a day to do whatever you want and be continually guided back into a more deeper relaxed state

  • Get the delicious space to get in touch with your soul and gain clarity and connected to your inner home

Then you’re exactly where you need to be

Together we can get you to let go of the mummy-to-do-lists, melt into a relaxed state and walk out of the retreat feeling recharged.




Sunday May 2024 TBA


9am - 3pm WHOLE DAY


2 Dinwoodie Rd, Thornlands


$144 - WHOLE Day


this is your time!

This retreat is so dear to my heart, because I believe when we give space to ourselves and fill our cups up first, we connect into our inner calm and we ultimately ripple the positive effects out into the world around us. This inner bliss is always within you however it can get smothered with busy minds and to-do lists. You can access this stillness through yoga and mediation, that enables you to be in touch with your inner knowing, your intuition, your divine feminine essence and your best moods you’ve ever felt. This is essential for women because they are natural care givers who give so much of their time, attention and energy to everyone and everything else, and they often don’t leave time for themselves. You hold a special emotional container for others and now this is your time to be held, to let go of all the lists, to have permission to just be in this moment and feel the peace and serenity within the silence. Through embodying this work you will feel joy in your heart, be able to find the calm amongst the chaos, get in touch with you again, plug into your inner calm, be able to give from a cup thats full and start to feel happier right now!

Getting your “me time” can be your saviour and it will be a vital tool for living out your best life. You will have the freedom to do what you want! There will be free time dedicated for you so start dreaming up if you’re going to bring a book to read, journal by the dam, find a secret space on the property to catch up with a friend or do whatever YOU WANT - It’s your time!


  • Feeling exhausted

  • Not having any time to yourself

  • Feeling lost in your life

  • Burnt out

  • Tired of your day to day routine

  • Lonely

  • Feeling frumpy

  • Wanting a day all to yourself

  • Just daydreaming about being pampered

  • Wanting to escape on a yoga retreat but the 2 nights are too long away from the kids and costly

  • Not feeling good in your body

  • Feeling touched out and just want some space and time all to yourself!

at the retreat YOU WILL EXPERIENCE:

  • A day of pampering that is all about you

  • A deep sense of calm that resides within

  • A workshop experience

  • Time! You will have TIME all to yourself!

  • Relaxing into a blissful state that will recharge your batteries (energy)

  • SPACE to do whatever you like without children jumping all over you.

  • You will get looked after!

  • Feeling YOU again! Recharging and tapping into the energetic flow of Mother Nature and LIFE!

  • Getting rid of any negative stuck energy

  • Peace on the mat

  • Delicious nourishing vegetarian whole foods

  • A deep connection to yourself and trust your inner knowing

  • Workshops to learn something new

  • Get your inner spiritual geek on ***

  • You will discover your tools to access your calm amongst the chaos

  • You will learn safe yoga practices that you can continue to do at home

  • You will be warmly welcomed into the space

  • You will feel safe, supported and able to be authentically you

  • You will experience the magic of your energy

I am here to help you get your “me time”, find your inner calm and connect back into your divine feminine intuition


This is our previous itinerary. This is going to change in 2024 to better accomodate a relaxing experience. But this is the general flow of the day.


  • A Feminine Flow Yoga Class

  • Healing session

  • Mini Workshop

  • Morning Tea

  • Lunch

  • Afternoon Tea

  • Massage

  • Journal

THIS IS A 1 day yoga retreat where you are taken on a journey within, and given the space to relax your worries away, and find your inner bliss

upcoming retreat

sunday may 2024 tbc


PRICE FOR THE ENTIRE day is $144 (including meals)

Limited Spaces