
Crystals hold so much energy and have been used for thousands of years for their incredible healing properties.

Each piece has a unique frequency; that when held or even looked at, you can see her incredible beauty and feel her radiant vibration through your being. Crystals grow underground attracting all the frequencies it takes for Mother Earth to be so incredibly nourished, so she can assist all life to grow and thrive on this planet. Each crystal is a one-of-a-kind piece making these the most unique treasures

You know when she speaks to you! You pick her up, see her shining and you just feel this incredible magnetic attraction to your crystal - she is yours! Take her home, find a nice space for her and enjoy the healing properties she will gift you, as you navigate this epic journey of life.

If one of these pieces was gifted to you, this has been intuitively and lovingly picked for YOU by a close loved one. They have had you in their thoughts and they just know what you exactly need in that moment. Give thanks to the wonderful support and community that surrounds you - you are blessed and you are loved.


<<—<<— Our Crystals can be purchased in studio —>>—>>





Each piece has been locally sourced, intuitively picked, lovingly held, cleansed and waiting for you to claim all the healing properties this beauty holds for you to receive. Enjoy!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for purchasing your crystal. You are purchasing from a local small business and putting your money directly into my family. Thank you for your support. I am doing a happy dance.

Feel free to follow The Women’s Recharge on Instagram, tag us and share your crystal in its new home, it would make my year! Blessings for 2024! Love Jasmine XxX

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