Happy Homeschooling

Homeschooling is coming to QLD due to coronavirus still out in the community, and there are some positive benefits that can come from this.  Yes!  It actually can be fun and your children will benefit from these circumstances.  

Firstly, I’d love to highlight that I can definitely see the fear and concerns that is high within the public.  I get that parents still have to work or study and it can be a juggle with a little one at home; trust me I was a single mother, doing a Uni degree with a toddler - it was impossible for me to study with her in the room awake; my alternative was to stay awake all night and continue with my work.  And I get the little ones will NEED assistance the whole time and you will be taken away from your work and time; I couldn’t be with my Prep child while I was helping my idlest with assessment work.  I am mindful that there is children out there that school is a safe place for them and I believe they need the contact in school for their wellbeing.  And lastly, I am understanding that I actually do love this.  However, I would love to share a few little things that I have witnessed some big potential for children whilst teaching from home.



some positives of homeschooling

  • I have watched my child begin to read over 3 weeks and this is so amazing to witness

  • My eldest feels safer to open up and admit that she doesn’t know what to do.  She would otherwise keep quiet at school and tackle through the job because she doesn’t want the teachers to see that she can’t do it.  She has been in tears one day (and yes embrace those tears and hold space for your child, as they are showing you their vulnerable side).  And find some creative ways to help your child learn in other ways.

  • Children have different learning style and this means they receive information about a subject, in different ways it is presented.  Eg say they are learning about butterflies - one child can read (visual learner) and understand the information, whereas a kinaesthetic learner will learn if they moved their bodies in that way or held the butterfly or an audio learner will better comprehend with an audio book about butterflies.  

  • You don’t have to be there for hours and you need to do what you can.  Let go of doing it perfectly, just do what you can.  

  • Embrace what they are good at and really celebrate their learning.  Congratulate them on what comes naturally to them.  Point out their strengths.  Try to explain exactly what they are good at and they will thrive with this positive feedback.

  • Don’t worry if they are not getting the concept.  This is an OPPORTUNITY to PROBLEM SOLVE.  Life is full of problem solving situations and it is a very good skill to have.  Everything can be figured out, we just need to see and create more options to move forward.  

  • GET CREATIVE!!!!  Teaching is a creative career!  Not every child in the room will understand and get that you are trying to teach - you need to get creative and be innovative.  The children are also very innovative and can come up with some great techniques to move them forward in their learning. 

  • If it’s not working that day, then leave it!  You could go for a walk and get out of the house and talk about it, listen to a podcast, YouTube clip, Ted Talk or audio book on it.  Researching it on your own terms can be quite fun!

  • You will learn so much too!  You will sharpen and light up new pathways in your own brain.

  • You will experience a deeper bond with your child when you are incorporated in their learning. 

  • Teach them something you know about the subject

  • Tell stories about your own school days.  Children love stories!  

  • Education is so important.  We are so lucky to have access to a free education here in Australia - an education stops poverty.  There are children over the world who are denied of this and would absolutely appreciate access to a school setting - consider ourselves a lucky and grateful country to have this gift.  Some believe school taught them nothing - IT definitely did teach you something and I guarantee you are using your literacy and numeracy skills right now!

  • You get to instil your family values into their learning.  How do you respond to challenges?  What is a benefit for learning new things in your life?  Why should we step out of our comfort zone?

  • Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.  It’s good to get out of your comfy place you will grow!

  • We all navigating this new way of schooling - this is like a new job, tricky at the start but then we soon find our rhythm.  So don’t stress, just keep showing up and it shall get easier. 

  • Get older peers to help the younger ones in their learning - this is an all round winner - you win, the child wins learning and the eldest wins by practising teaching and leadership skills.


  • Light a candle, put some calming music on at the start of the teaching session.  Trust me this will make a difference!

  • Get into a routine!  Dedicate that time to learning.  The earlier the better when everyone is still fresh (except for high school students who learn better late morning and early afternoon.  Their body clock is different at this time of their development and most of them will benefit with a sleep in they so desire and need).

  • Try to meditate and get a little exercise in the morning for yourself- it will release good endorphins, give you more energy, and you will be more focused for the day.

  • Take some deep breaths if you feel stressed.  Close down the eyes and take some long deep breaths in and out 10 times - this will calm the nervous system and you will be in a better state to approach any challenges.

  • Start a little sharing circle at the start - give children and yourself a space for each other to understand how you’re feeling today - children will learn more about empathy, compassion and gratitude through his practise.  

  • Don’t yell!  This is new for the children too.  I guarantee the children will also share some big emotions because you are their safe zone - they feel more comfortable to share they don’t understand it.  Be there inspiration and teach them skills to cope with tricky situations.  It’s the human nature to come across this - you can help them remain calm with a positive learning experience from home

  • If you’re stressed than seriously put on some loud music and dance away, flick that stress out of your body - it works and it is super fun too!

  • You got this!  You may think this is too hard - but you have the assistance of your teachers, and even think about family or friends that could possible help.  You are not the only one feeling overwhelmed!  There are plenty of parents out there that feel the same.  Just keep it real and do what you can.  You’ve got this guys!

  • It’s ok to ask for help - its practically a research skill - checking multiple sources!  Plus we have a community of people around us who will enrich our life when they share what is in their hearts and what hidden talents they possess. 

  • Let go and just go with the flow of the day.  If it’s not working don’t push yourself.  Try your best, follow some other techniques or just give up and approach it better tomorrow.  Tomorrow is a new day.

  • While on the other hand, this is a great time to practise persistence.  “It’s not our abilities, but persistence that ultimately leads us to our greatest achievements”Apoorve Dubey.  And another goody; “It’s only those who are persistent and willing to study things deeply, who achieve the master work”. Paulo Coelho.  

  • Celebrate each session with a BIG HUG!!!!  Tell your children you’re proud of them!

  • Say something nice to your teacher - this is all new to them too.  They have been working tremendously around the clock and through their holidays.  

  • Find other ways to learn - for literacy write a letter to a relative, friend or someone in the community.  For maths - use m and m’s for maths equations.

  • Do some yoga together before class - you will all feel super calm and learning will be easier.

  • Don’t be hard on yourself!  You are not expected to know everything (teachers even have to google things ha ha). Just do your best and that is all that is needed. 


Hope you all ok and always be kind to yourself through it all. You don’t have to have it all together, no one does. If you give it a crack and do your best - then that’s more than enough.


Jasmine. XXXX