I have incredible visions of the future and I channel clear messages from spirit through the tea leaves, cacao and oracle cards.

I can help you with:

  • Questions that you have

  • Inform you of what I see

  • Giving you clarity

  • Guidance

  • Direction from the oracle

  • Learn more about a situation from a metaphysical perspective

  • Connection to yourself

I have witnessed many of my clairvoyant visions come to reality. Some I can’t even describe but I can also see pregnant women pregnant in the very early stages of pregnancy. I have loved ones come to me in dreams and inform me of messages. I see images while reading and I relay what I am seeing. I see the spirit light here on earth. I access the oracle everyday and can clearly channel messages that come through. My readings are incredibly accurate and I look forward to giving you an intuitive reading.

I believe I channeled this gift when I was born as I entered the 3D world here not alive. I flipped in between the realms for 14 days until I was finally able to come off supported oxygen and be held in the arms of my mother. I have always had a strong connection and felt the other realms and dimensions. I come in light and love.

I am currently learning more, on a weekly basis at Psychic School, on how to channel my spirit team under the incredible guidance of Donna. This is such an honour to learn and have this experience to channel the spirit team as they offer so much guidance and empowerment to our journey here on earth. Always a student delving deep into all things metaphysical. I can’t wait to see what comes through for you and my deepest wish is that you may come get what you wish to receive.

Ask me a question??? Or request a part of your life you wish to seek more answers from.

Let’s see what messages are waiting to be received at this time.


Intuitive Reading Options

Oracle Card Spread

20 minute Recording


Book online and you will receive a recording in 48 hours

Please note: Thursdays and Fridays is when I have the time to create some beautiful sacred space for readings. So if you’re feeling the call book in and you will receive your answer on these days.


in person

$120 for 60 minute reading

At The Mother’s Recharge Studio

Reach out to see availability