In the circle we are all equal.
There is no one in front of you and there is no one behind you.
No one is above you and no one is below you.
The circle is sacred as it is designed to create unity.
— Lakota Wisdom

Everyone needs a place to retreat;
A spot where the world grows quiet enough for the soul to speak
— Ange Weland-Crosby

Circle is a sacred space for women to come hold a safe container for other women and to be held in a safe container by other women. Let us gather and learn more about ourselves and heal the spaces that we crave to see and let go of, weave our love between each other in a connected sisterhood, rewrite your relationship with women, feel safe, feel heard, feel seen, feel pleasure, open your intuition and feel the magic of the divine feminine.

Each circle is held on or closely to the Full Moons releasing energy. Working with the law of attraction; We need to release what no longer serves us in order for the new things to come through and raise our frequency.


On the night you will enter the gates and be met by Jasmine. We will do a little sage cleansing and you will be shown where to put your belongings and we will settle you in the circle.

The night will consist of a sacred cacao ceremony, a guided meditation, opportunities to share in circle, journalling, a “letting go” fire ceremony out by the open fire pit (witchy vibes) and get ready to move your body somatically out by the old sister trees. DIVINE! You will feel the unravelling and rewilding of your burning feminine igniting within.

You will connect deeply into yourself and the women who gather and feel the calling for this deep work and connection with each other. You have permission to go as deep as you want on the night - it is your time and your practise. We are all here for you. If you are feeling called to join circle and find your sisterhood then this is for you.

Each circle we are going to hold a red thread ceremony and leave the circle with our red threads worn on our wrists together, binding our hearts, positive vibes a token of all our divine feminine energy to go with us for the rest of the month. We are a collective making this magic happen all together and we honour and value each and every single one of you. We also know that you may have been a little busy getting here and we will provide a light dinner for you after circle. So please stay for some catch ups, food, chats, oracle card readings and just enjoying the company of the women who are feeling called to be here too.

These full moon women’s circles are held every month so you can anchor into a regular practise moving with the moon and your sisters.

Namaste my sisters, see you in circle.

Love Jas XxX


 <<<upcoming Full moon circles for 2024>>>

<Held at night 630-830pm>

july - friday the 19th

<in capricorn>

august - friday the 16th

<in aquarius - blue full moon>

september - saturday the 21st

<in pisces - super full moon>

october - friday the 18th in

<aries - super full moon>

november - friday the 15th

<in taurus>

december - friday the 13th

<in gemini>

<<< come gather with your sisters >>>

Please note our circles are held on a Friday night, closest to the Full Moon. Some do fall on the same night

The circles are based on the astrological positions according to the time of the Full Moon, and we work with that energy

<<release what no longer serves you in a soft feminine way>>

<<womb and heart healing, connection back to Gaia>>

<<<plugging you back to you and your sisterhood>>>