let’s get social together

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Hello Yogini,


Welcome. I’m so honoured that you’ve stumbled across my page. I’m currently a stay at home mother raising 4 beautiful cherubs. I am a women’s well-being practitioner and a yoni worshipper. I’m a level 1 yoga teacher, specialising in pregnancy and postpartum yoga. I hold a bachelor of education, a cert 3 in children’s services, certificate in baby wearing, a certification as a Women’s Circle Facilitator and I’m currently studying a diploma of counselling and a womens anatomy and hormone wellness course. I have a love of studying, self-discovery and deeply exploring the journey of life; both through the lens of science and that visceral feeling.

I have always had a fascination with the brain and human behaviour, leading me to become an early childhood and primary teacher, with over 14 years experience working with children.


I first fell in love with yoga during a busy year whilst I was raising a child, growing another in the belly, attending university full time, working part-time, planning a wedding and getting married all in one year! I began attending weekly yoga and meditation classes and I fell in love with the practise and the benefits it had to my mental heath during that crazy hectic period of my life. It took me on a 6 year yoga journey where I attended yoga classes, meditation classes, workshops, festivals and retreats before I signed up to complete my level 1 yoga teaching training.

The more you give to yourself,
The more love you can give to others,
And the more value you can add to the world

I was running weekly classes from my home, studios and parks. I offered a moonlight yoga class weekly which was a vinyasa style based yoga class under the stars and we ended with a silent and still meditation’ giving space for people to listen in. And I also offered a Mother’s Yoga Tribe class where we did a more Hatha style based yoga class followed with a womens sharing circle. This class allowed mothers to bring their children and gave them permission to focus on herself and get her cup filled for the week. I am so excited and honoured to be offering these Yoga Tribe classes again and give mothers a nourishing class so she can have a happier and more grounded week. I also feel I am rekindling what we use to do back in ancient times, in our Mummy Tribe classes. Women would gather in their village and connect. I have a burning desire to plug women into a beautiful group where she feels safe, valued and can be her authentic self, unapologetically, because she is so incredible! I want to hold space for women to gather together, feel safe in the presence of her sisters, share, heal, learn, celebrate, inspire, feel empowered, know she is supported and lean into whatever she is learning in that moment. I aim to give you the space to go deep within yourself and tap into your own divine intuition, clearing the webs of your busy minds, heal the past and giving you space to listen, feel and know what you desire; simply by just being in that very moment. This is where I began the passion of holding womens sharing circles.

Since diving into some deep spiritual work and offerings, I have witnessed the power of the divine feminine. She is absolutely magnetic, flowing, gravitating, captivating, powerful and mesmerising! I realised how much power lies within each and every woman and how we have been silenced to express these parts of ourselves in society. I want women to learn more about their beautiful bodies, falling in love with her menstrual cycle, understanding what is going on deep within, connecting to her power centre, her creative space, synching, flowing with ease, and accessing her magnetic power which us housed within the sacred yoni. I am exploring and studying the yoni and these offerings will be weaved in here.

I am also currently studying a diploma of counselling. Counselling has been introduced to me at a very young age and I am so grateful to have used counselling as a tool throughout my life when things felt heavy, overwhelming or I felt lost. This personal growth work has been incredibly valuable to me and I only wish to learn the communication skills to bring to someone else so they can heal the parts of themselves and live a more empowered life. As we ALL know life throws us challenges and obstacles all the time. Let’s get HEALthy! Let’s keep healing and get into living our best life. We are all living this beautifully messy, imperfect life together in this 3D realm where we are here on this earth to learn, own and heal our stuff. Let’s break free from suffering and get into the flow of the divine energy.

This well-being studio is dedicated to women so they can walk out of this space feeling better than they walked in here; whether you’ve stretched out the knots in your body, cried and released something from your subconscious or you’ve found a loving soul sister and joined the community of loving women here. When you attend one of my classes, retreats, workshops or circles, I want you to feel welcomed, comfortable and leave with a heart full of love. I want you to walk away feeling totally refreshed and revived and feel this ripple out in your life.

I look forward to connecting with you, plugging you into this sisterhood and seeing what we create together.

Namaste and much love,

Jasmine. XxX

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The Yoga Day Retreat

this is your time TO FEEL REJUVENATED!

The YOGA DAY RETREAT is for ANY women to come unwind from the daily hustle and for her to completely recharge her batteries.

Women are natural caregivers who give so much time, attention and energy to the family, their work and the greater community. But what about her? Life gets so busy and she can’t seem to catch a moment for herself. THE YOGA DAY RETREAT is a whole day dedicated to providing just that. She will be guided through a deeply relaxing yoga class, a nurturing meditation, time to relax and unwind on a nature retreat style property, nourishing vegetarian meals and a workshop guiding her back into her divine self. She will have the space to immerse herself into a deep relaxed state and walk away feeling totally blissed out. This is so vital for women to have this space for themselves so they can live out their best life.

The whole day has been intuitively tailored for her, as we get to know her before she even arrives. We believe in bringing her into this space energetically and intuitively crafting the workshop as the energies come in. This is our magic as we work with the universe, we trust that it is all going to weave it’s way and provide everything you need on this day.

I look forward to sharing what is being brewed here.

Namaste Jasmine XxX

the next retreat is



— Retreat Reviews —


<<<upcoming Full moon circles for 2024>>>

<Held at night 630-830pm>

july - friday the 19th

<in capricorn>

august - friday the 16th

<in aquarius - blue full moon>

september - saturday the 21st

<in pisces - super full moon>

october - friday the 18th in

<aries - super full moon>

november - friday the 15th

<in taurus>

december - friday the 13th

<in gemini>

Please note our circles are held on a Friday, closest to the Full Moon. Some do fall on the same night

The circles are based on the astrological positions according to the time of the Full Moon, and we work with that energy

<<< come gather with your sisters >>>

<<release what no longer serves you in a soft feminine way>>

<<womb and heart healing, connection back to Gaia>>

<<<plugging you back to you and your sisterhood>>>

Recharge you sessions are the ultimate relaxation class taking you from tired and stressed to completely recharged. A class of restorative yoga, sound healing, massage and mediation. We are dedicated to make you feel so warmly welcomed because you are so deserving of your own time to rest and com come home to you.

Classes begin July the 1st 2024

Selected Thursday nights 630 - 745 in Studio





 We would like to recognise the first custodians of Australia and acknowledge we are on the Quandamooka tribes land.

We support any movement that is in alignment with the indigenous culture repairing and thriving now, and in the future, as it has been taken from them.